The story of the first mom came about somewhat unexpectedly. Justin and Rachel both had corporate jobs and worked 40+ hours a week. But they had been praying about areas to serve and felt drawn to serving women and children. God was preparing them for something, but they didn’t know what yet.

On a cold January day in 2016, a mom walked into the corporate office Rachel worked at. She had been given poor financial advice and after a series of events, had ended up living in a hotel after losing her apartment. Obviously that wasn’t sustainable and she had nowhere else to turn. Hearing her story from a coworker, Rachel knew immediately that this is what she and Justin were waiting for. This was a ministry opportunity like no other! Justin agreed 100%. They were introduced by email, interviewed her over the phone to hear more of her story, and then set up a time to talk face-to-face.

For the face-to-face meeting, Justin and Rachel invited them to their home, fed them a meal, heard the full story and prayed with them. (Following the example of Acts 2:42!) They were clear on what they were offering. This wasn’t a mansion with private rooms for all! The mom and daughter would share a room and a queen-size bed. But it was safe, it was warm and it was stable. Then they invited these complete strangers to move in.

The mom and daughter lived with Justin and Rachel for just under 9 months. During that time, they did life together. They celebrated holidays, birthdays, new jobs, promotions, and more. The mom learned to budget, saved up an emergency fund and rebuilt her confidence. The daughter learned life skills on the farm and had a positive male role model in Justin. She was proud to be able to “take care” of the farm, which built up her confidence too. And throughout the entire time, they watched what a Christ-centered marriage and relationship looked like. Not perfect, but constantly seeking after Jesus.

After 9 months, the mom and daughter were ready to be on their own again. The mom had an awesome job, the daughter returned to a traditional school, and they lined up their own place. It was a bittersweet time. Plenty of mistakes had been made, plenty of tears had been shed. But at the end of the day, these complete strangers had become family. Rachel and Justin sat back in their quiet house after they moved out, praying. Rachel was reminded of a strange prayer that someone had prayed over her right before these two had moved in. The person had prayed for the mom, daughter and ALL the other women that they would have in their home. At the time, Rachel panicked, informing God that she had signed up for ONE TIME, but now, they were talking about doing it again. Only God can take an introvert and change a heart from one of solitude to one of hospitality. And all it took was a dangerous prayer: “Lord, break our hearts for what breaks yours.”

The mom and daughter came back recently. They were part of a crew that worked on the tiny house during its construction. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, connection and service for the next round of ladies. God had once changed their lives through willing hearts and hands. Now they had a chance to change someone else's future.

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